Enemy Love for Dummies

At the center of the teachings of Jesus is love—cross-like, non-violent, non-judgmental, enemy-embracing, all-inclusive, self-sacrificial, scandalously beautiful love. Jesus modeled this love to us through his life and especially by loving and forgiving his enemies, and he called us to follow his example (Mt 5:44). But enemy love is not easy, no easy solutions exist. This article suggests some practical steps that will help you on your journey to love even your worst enemy.
The only way to know God’s character for sure!

The Bible presents us different images of God. How do we know what God really is like? What is the standard by which we evaluate different images of God in the Bible? Is there a revelation from God that trumps all others? Yes, there is!
What is Agape Love?

God is Agape Love (1 John 4:8), his very substance is Agape Love. At the heart of the Gospel lies Agape Love. But what is Agape Love? Learn more about Agape Love and read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 like you’ve never read it before.
What is God’s wrath?

God is love. But how does this fit together with the wrath of God? Should a God of love not refrain from any form of anger? Indeed God’s wrath is a beautiful expression of his love.